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Better Broadband a Key to Affordable Housing in Ann Arbor

Broadband Petition Ann Arbor

Ensure Fair Competition and Affordable Internet for All: Support Open Access Fiber Infrastructure

To: City of Ann Arbor Officials

Petition Statement: We, the undersigned residents of Ann Arbor, Michigan, call upon our elected representatives to put forth and support a ballot measure that mandates open access to all new and existing fiber conduit infrastructure. This regulation is crucial to promote fair competition among Internet Service Providers (ISPs), lower costs for consumers, and enhance the quality and availability of internet services across our community.

Background: Reliable high-speed internet is essential for economic growth, education, healthcare, and overall quality of life. However, many areas suffer from a lack of competition among ISPs, leading to higher prices and subpar service. By ensuring that all fiber infrastructure is open access, we can encourage multiple ISPs to offer services, thereby fostering a competitive market that benefits all residents.

Proposed Measure: We propose the following regulatory actions to be placed on the ballot:

  1. Mandate Open Access: Require all new and existing fiber conduit infrastructure within Ann Arbor, Michigan to be open access. This ensures that multiple ISPs can lease and use this infrastructure, promoting competition and reducing costs for consumers.
  2. Enforce Fair Access: Implement regulations that enforce fair and non-discriminatory access to fiber infrastructure. This prevents incumbent ISPs from engaging in anti-competitive practices that block new entrants and ensures a level playing field for all service providers.
  3. Transparency Requirements: Require ISPs to publicly disclose their pricing, service areas, and service quality metrics to increase consumer awareness and foster a competitive environment.


  • Increased Competition: Multiple ISPs will have the opportunity to offer services, leading to better prices and improved service quality for consumers.
  • Consumer Savings: Increased competition will drive down the cost of internet services, making it more affordable for all residents.
  • Enhanced Service Quality: With more ISPs in the market, there will be greater incentive to provide high-quality service and innovate new offerings.
  • Economic Growth: Reliable and affordable high-speed internet will attract new businesses and support existing ones, driving economic growth and job creation.
  • Digital Equity: Ensuring open access to fiber infrastructure will help close the digital divide, providing all residents with the opportunities that come with reliable internet access.

Call to Action: We urge our local government and elected representatives to take immediate action to put this measure on the ballot. By doing so, we can ensure that our community has access to affordable, high-quality internet services, fostering a more competitive and equitable digital landscape.
