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      Digital Navigators:
      Connect to Opportunity

      Digital navigators provide accessible and individualized supports to millions of Americans to connect them to the Internet, devices, and assistance accessing information and services and accomplishing their goals online.

      The Digital Navigator program is “an adaptation of traditional digital inclusion programming.” Its goal is to ensure residents receive on-demand tech support and relevant information to secure internet access and devices, as well as the opportunity to build foundational digital skills, and succeed in further learning, job training and employment or meeting other goals. This is done through providing much-needed just-in-time, one-to-one and small group dedicated support via phone service, email, text, video chat, and other communication methods that work for the learner-worker. Digital navigation services can also be provided in-person or in blended formats. The model is a solution to address both digital access as well as learning and upskilling, and at scale.