Group Feed
Elvis Nuno joined the group
Coop, Municipal Broadband Tools & Strategy 4 days ago
Joe Gusman replied to the discussion Has your community considered Municipal Broadband? in the forum Broadband cooperative or municipal? 10 months ago
Has your community considered Municipal Broadband?
ACP was accepted and passed with a limited life span from the start it replaced another subscriber paid tax from the nineties – it took the FEDS 40 years to get rid of it and it is over
Joe Gusman posted an update in the group
Coop, Municipal Broadband Tools & Strategy 10 months ago
seems there is an early adopter opportunity using a bundles of AI and social media ware – the training opportunities are not described as of yet so we can set our own goals and bench marks- I suggest we get started on this avenue of opportunities- thanks Joe
Joe Gusman joined the group
Coop, Municipal Broadband Tools & Strategy 11 months ago
DrRon Suarez started the discussion Has your community considered Municipal Broadband? in the forum Broadband cooperative or municipal? 11 months ago
Has your community considered Municipal Broadband?
If your answer is yes then let us know who has considered it, the current status plus any links to references or news articles.
The Municipal Broadband Solution
A federal affordable internet program is ending. But muni-owned broadband networks have figured out how to deliver affordable high-speed internet access themselves.