NYC Mesh is a volunteer run community Internet network.

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  • NYC Mesh is a volunteer run community Internet network.

    Posted by DrRon Suarez on May 11, 2023 at 9:07 am

    FYI, when I lived in NYC, I was a member of NYC Mesh. In their Slack, I met one of the founders of Althea and learned about their financial model, that turns consumers it to producers (prosumers: commons based peer production). We’ll cover more about that in another post. One of the reasons that the volunteer model works is that in the city of almost 9 million people, it is a little easier to find a core group of great engineers, who are willing to volunteer their time.

    One day, a bus severed the cable that provided internet to Daniel Heredia’s neighborhood. The large ISP said it would take two weeks to reconnect – he knew there had to be a better way – a more personable, community-centric, human internet.

    Fast forward to today, as Motherboard joins NYC Mesh, a group building their own decentralized, wireless mesh networks across NYC, and volunteer Daniel Heredia to see how they spread the mesh across New York City and plan to provide affordable and universal internet to all New Yorkers.

    DrRon Suarez replied 1 year, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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