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How can Latine communities build Community Owned Internet Networks?

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  • How can Latine communities build Community Owned Internet Networks?

    Posted by DrRon Suarez on March 21, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    See the attached document below.

    Broadband Community Advisor

    Latine communities can develop the tech workforce needed to build community-owned internet networks by focusing on a comprehensive strategy that includes enhancing computer science (CS) education from K-12 through higher education, fostering entrepreneurship, and leveraging community assets and partnerships. Here’s a detailed approach based on the insights from the “State of Diversity: The Latine Tech Ecosystem” report​​.

    Enhancing CS Education

    1. Early Exposure to CS and STEM: It’s crucial to start with education at the K-12 levels, ensuring that Latine students have access to and are encouraged to participate in computer science and STEM-related subjects. This includes integrating CS education across grades K-12, mandating foundational courses, and providing culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy​​.

    2. Supporting Higher Education Pathways: Encourage and support Latine students in pursuing higher education in computing and technology-related fields. This includes expanding pathways through community colleges, which serve as significant entry points for Latine students into higher education, and fostering environments that eliminate barriers to CS majors, such as gatekeeping practices and lack of faculty diversity​​.

    3. Leveraging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): HSIs play a critical role in educating Latine students. Supporting these institutions to enhance their computing programs can lead to a greater number of Latine graduates ready to enter the tech workforce​​.

    Fostering Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Participation

    1. Support for Latine Entrepreneurs: Enhance access to capital for Latine founders and support the creation and growth of Latine-founded startups. This includes tracking and increasing the representation of Latine professionals in venture capital to ensure equitable funding opportunities​​.

    2. Developing a Supportive Ecosystem: Build a supportive ecosystem for Latine entrepreneurs through mentorship, networking, and access to resources. This involves collaborating with organizations and initiatives focused on supporting Latine individuals in the tech sector​​.

    Leveraging Community Assets and Partnerships

    1. Building Community Networks: Develop community-owned broadband networks by leveraging community assets, partnerships with local organizations, and engaging Latine leaders in the planning and implementation process​​.

    2. Policy and Advocacy: Advocate for policies that support the development of tech workforce and broadband infrastructure in Latine communities. This includes engaging with policymakers to ensure that the needs and potential of Latine communities are recognized and addressed​​.

    3. Cultivating Role Models and Leaders: Highlight and promote the achievements of Latine individuals in the tech industry to inspire future generations. Creating a cycle of mentorship and leadership within the community can support sustained growth and participation in the tech ecosystem​​.

    By focusing on these areas, Latine communities can not only build the tech workforce needed for community-owned internet networks but also ensure broader participation in the tech industry, fostering innovation, economic growth, and digital equity.

    Joe Gusman replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • 662981fce4456 bpthumb

    Joe Gusman

    March 21, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    my grandfather came across the border late 1800’s – I have been in hi-tech all my life now I am a recognized subject matter expert – broadband consultant – business developer etc.

    The resistance I ran into when operating my own tech/vocational schools was almost over whelming- school systems are not set up to train students for employment – universities apply resources towards degrees that are 2-10 years behind industries – I know because when I started my first telecom training company 1985 I as living in San Jose California

  • 662981fce4456 bpthumb

    Joe Gusman

    March 21, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    To start STEM programs must be written to solve the interpretive needs of non-English speakers. Tech-speak is very real in corporate America in any tech based industry,

    Reading levels must be raised above 14/15 years of educational

    Math skills have to reach into the physics requirements

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