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Election ’24 & HIDE: Hispanics In Digital Equity

  • Election ’24 & HIDE: Hispanics In Digital Equity

    Posted by DrRon Suarez on October 17, 2024 at 10:52 am

    Are we Hispanics (Latino, Latina, Latinx, Latine) invisible in Michigan? I woke up this morning to the radio discussing how Hispanic nonprofits, working on voter turnout, could make the difference here in Michigan and tip the presidential election. Yet, when I searched the Internet for more news about this, a top result was a news video with a white woman introducing a black reporter talking to an older Hispanic woman, who said her son might not vote. Yet, not a single nonprofit was mentioned.

    I just returned from the Michigan Broadband Summit, with hundreds of people in attendance. The Summit included the most important decision-makers who will be determining how $1.6 billion in federal funds will be distributed in Michigan to promote digital equity and inclusion. Out of the hundreds of attendees, there were only two of us representing Hispanics and both of us had indigenous blood in our veins. The other person was only able to attend after her boss couldn’t make it and transferred his registration to her. There was an entire breakout session for tribal nations, and there were more than a few African-American speakers and attendees, which I fully support. Yet, I was left very isolated. So, stay tuned for more, because today I am breathing new life into my Zorro like alter ego, BroadbandIT. We are seeking Hispanic serving nonprofits in Michigan and offering our services to help with social impact digital strategy, especially related to voter turnout. Beyond voter turnout, we are focused on how Hispanics will be included in workforce development for deploying broadband and how we can harness artificial intelligence as a tool for self reliance and independence versus subjugation to the whims of billionaire tech bros, who would rather think about building colonies for themselves on Mars, as the Earth becomes unlivable because of climate change and pollution.

    Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
    Broadbandit will stop the stealing from the poor by the rich.

    DrRon Suarez replied 12 hours, 35 minutes ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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