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Community Internet Services

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Not Enrolled
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Here’s a detailed roadmap:
Your people and our people will form focused teams.
Phase 1: Initiation and Planning

  1. Stakeholder Identification and Engagement: Utilize tools like Zoom and Miro to host virtual meetings that bring together community leaders, local government representatives, business owners, and potential users. Create visual representations of stakeholder input and project timelines using Trello and Canva.
  2. Needs Assessment and Goal Setting: Conduct surveys and workshops to identify community needs and set clear objectives for the network. Utilize OpenAI to analyze survey data and generate reports that guide decision-making.
  3. Technology Selection and Design: Choose the appropriate mesh network infrastructure based on the community’s geography, density, and usage needs. Employ digital tools for collaborative design and planning sessions.

Phase 2: Funding and Governance

  1. Funding Strategy Development: Use collaborative platforms to brainstorm and document funding strategies, including grants, community investments, and partnerships. Leverage Zoom and Trello for task management and progress tracking.
  2. Governance Structure Establishment: Implement Loomio for democratic decision-making processes, allowing community members to propose, discuss, and vote on projects, governance models, and operational decisions.

Phase 3: Implementation and Workforce Development

  1. Construction and Deployment: Coordinate the physical build-out of the network infrastructure using project management tools to ensure on-time and within-budget delivery. Utilize Miro for real-time updates and adjustments to the deployment plan.
  2. Workforce Development: Develop a training program for network management and maintenance, incorporating online learning platforms and webinars. Use YouTube to create educational content that supports ongoing learning and community engagement.

Phase 4: Operation and Maintenance

  1. Network Operation: Establish a team responsible for the day-to-day operation of the network, utilizing digital tools for monitoring network performance and managing customer service.
  2. Maintenance and Upgrades: Schedule regular maintenance checks and system upgrades to ensure the network remains efficient and up-to-date. Use project management tools to organize maintenance schedules and track upgrades.

Phase 5: Community Engagement and Education

  1. Educational YouTube Channel Creation: Launch a YouTube channel to provide tutorials, webinars, and updates about the network. This platform serves as a 21st-century community television network, educating and engaging the community on the benefits and uses of their network.

Top Three Volunteer Contributions

  1. Stakeholder Coordination and Community Building:
    • Facilitate virtual and in-person meetings using Zoom, engaging community stakeholders in discussions about network goals, design, and implementation.
    • Use Miro for brainstorming sessions and Trello for task delegation and progress tracking, ensuring active participation and buy-in from all stakeholders.
  2. Governance and Educational Outreach:
    • Implement and manage Loomio for community voting on key decisions, ensuring the governance model reflects democratic values.
    • Develop and curate content for the YouTube channel, creating educational videos that explain network technology, governance, and usage tips to empower and inform the community.
  3. Workforce Development and Network Support:
    • Coordinate training programs for local workforce development, using online platforms and the YouTube channel for training modules on network maintenance and operation.
    • Offer ongoing support and guidance for the operational team, leveraging OpenAI to analyze network performance data and recommend improvements or solutions to challenges.

This CMaaS roadmap and volunteer contributions outline a comprehensive approach to establishing and maintaining community-owned Internet networks, emphasizing stakeholder engagement, democratic governance, workforce development, and community education.