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    • Own Your Internet: How to Build a Public Broadband Network

      An American Association for Public Broadband handbook written by Bill Coleman and published by the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society

      Submitted on March 6, 2024

      For decades, public broadband networks have been successfully serving hundreds of communities with fast, robust, and affordable internet access. Unlike private-sector networks, municipal, tribal, and other community- and member-owned broadband networks are focused on ensuring universal, robust connectivity at affordable prices. The results have been remarkable. Small cities and regions like Chattanooga, Tennessee; Wilson, North Carolina; Morgan, Utah; and the Massachusetts Berkshire region have been transformed into vibrant centers of economic opportunity, education, and culture.
      There are still many communities that want to explore network ownership but don’t know where to begin. That’s why the American Association for Public Broadband (AAPB) developed this handbook. It sets out, in simple terms, the key decisions a community and its leaders must make, as well as the concrete steps they must take to build a successful public network. The handbook also provides a list of resources that can help with both—including law firms, financial advisors, public relations firms, construction firms, equipment vendors, grant applications and management platforms, operational and business support systems, and firms that design, build, and operate networks.
      This handbook focuses on the steps that can lead to a publicly owned broadband network. While every community will take its own unique path, there are well-established critical steps necessary for a successful decision-making and implementation journey.