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How do we figure out what we would like to build?

  • How do we figure out what we would like to build?

    Posted by DrRon Suarez on December 7, 2023 at 6:13 pm

    “Unless we figure out what we want, all the fighting is pointless!” Let’s talk about what we would like to build together.

    Like Pia Mancini, in this video, I was part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. My wife and I were developers #1 and #2 for the website that organized 9,000 people into 100 working groups. What I enjoyed the most about it was that we built something useful enough for it to still be used one year later during Hurricane Sandy when some many New Yorkers were in desperate need after flooding.

    DrRon Suarez replied 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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