
The Internet Should Connect Us Like The Sidewalk!

Our platform cooperative works to increase Digital Equity by fostering fundamental systemic changes that restore the Internet as a Public Commons, vs bandaid approaches taken by many that will expire soon.

In our pursuit of digital equity, we empower community organizations to foster collaborative efforts, catalyzing the emergence of local governance over Internet infrastructure, using distributed technology.

Before the privatization of the Internet during the 1990s, as discussed by Ben Tarnoff, there was NSFnet, which existed as a Public Commons.

We have built a platform cooperative, to be governed by our teachers. Over time a student can become a group leader, and a group leader can become a teacher. Our goal is to help communities with crossing the digital equity gap and making a move towards Community Ownership of Internet Networks.

Register and sign in at the top right side of this page to see more and collaborate with others as an active member.

Imagine If You Had a Choice

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Music by DrRon

Background music by DrRon is licensed as Creative Commons on SoundCloud.

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